Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Back in London...

I just wanted to post a quick note to say thank you to everyone who send emails to The Magnets after the terror attacks in London last week.

At the time of the attacks we were driving from Frankfurt, Germany to St. Moritz, Switzerland and so we were far, far away from the danger. It was however a very bizarre day because despite the fact we were so far away from the trouble we really wanted to be back home in London contacting our friends and families to see if everyone was safe.

Thankfully everyone we know and our extended circle of friends are all safe and well.

Once again, thank you for all the kind emails and messages -- we are fine.


Friday, July 01, 2005

Edinburgh Looming....eeek!

So it's a month and five days until we open at the Edinburgh Festival.

But we're not panicking. Oh no. Not us. Not a bit. Never. Nope.

Actually, I'm being melodramatic, which to those of you who know me be a surprise. The preperations for Magnetude are progressing nicely. After gigs in the next weeks we will be locking ourselves away in a rehersal studio with our director and writer and attempting to create a show of mind blowing quality for a second successful year at the Edinburgh Fringe!

We are learning songs at an alarming rate, efficiency never known before in The Magnets, and we are polishing our dancing shoes, sharpening our wit and (in Andy's case) whetting (or is it wetting) our lips for a month of song, spitting and um....some other things.

On another note, the album is almost done. I thought I'd add a couple of photos from the studio so you can all see where we've been spending our time....

This photo is of our intrepid producer John. Vibing away to one of our new tracks, no doubt.

And this is Jim. Of course.
Either he's heard a track he really likes, or maybe the atmosphere in the studio became a little...ummm...manly.
